Diecasting Engineering (DCE) was founded in 2018 in Brescia, operating in the die-casting industry.

DCE started providing consulting and training services across various fields, with a strong focus on optimizing production processes and ensuring high quality.

In 2019 DCE has taken a significant leap forward by establishing a close collaboration with YIZUMI, a renowned global leader in die-casting machines. This partnership has enabled DCE to expand the offerings and establish itself as the distributor of YIZUMI die-casting products in Italy.

Today DCE offers a comprehensive range of services to the die-casting industry, from consulting and training services, reliable after-sales support, and innovative solutions in designing production facilities, robotized cells, and die-casting moulds.

Moreover, we specialize in digitalizing industrial processes based on 4.0 Industry, revamping and adapting die-casting machines and peripherals.